After not being able to launch at Kings the day before I was keen to try again. The surf looked much better. Met up with some fellow kayakers and launched at around 6:30am. The beach launch went well until I realized that I had forgot to take the wheels out... I swore a lot as I had stayed pretty dry and now I had to do it all over again and get much wetter. I trolled out to Bray rock, and around a bit without a touch.
There were half a dozen other kayaks and boats out there. Tried some plastics and the 4" nuclear chicken got some action, 3 hookups but all spitting it. Tried a hook on the jig and landed a 35cm squire on the 6lb outfit which was fun, let him go. I then landed a pike?
It was quiet the rest of the day until I got my plastic too close to a long tail tuna, the 2500 symetre screamed and after 2min and 2 runs I had lost half my line, i tightened the drag; well below the 6lb breaking strain but no soon having done this the line went slack, the braid had cut my leader. My friend was nearby and kindly showed me how to do a proper double uni knot for next time.
There were alot of longtail tuna about today but the only hookups I heard about was mine and another yakker how also hooked up on a blade using 4lb braid, needless to say that didn't end well.
Broke the rudder pin on the way back in but I needed to order a spare one anyway, I realized today I need to rethink my rod/reel combination.
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